"History is a nightmare from which I'm trying to awake." - James Joyce

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Gay" Art?

Is there such a thing as "gay" art? Does it imply that the artist is gay, and thus it has a certain sensibility? If so, then the work of, Michelangelo and DaVinci qualifies. Certainly, there is something to this. But I think that's too facile for the complexities of their work. Or, is it the subject matter? Thus, the work of Steve Walker seen on this blog elsewhere qualifies (ie, explicit or implied homoerotic content). The subject matter can range from the beauty of the male form (a topic alive since the ancient Greeks) to explicit homoerotic sexuality, to hidden viewpoints. Maybe it's counterproductive to define art as "gay" (or heterosexual, for that matter). Instead, there's just art with different, changing, subject matter and points-of-view. As a human being, I love art of all types; as a gay man, I have a special affinity for art which portrays and deepens my understanding of my personal experience. Here's a few of the many examples I've collected:

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