"History is a nightmare from which I'm trying to awake." - James Joyce

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Les Miserables

So last night, after dinner, I continued a long tradition and went to a movie with a friend. We saw "Les Miserables" with many others. Of course, I had seen it in the theater when it first came out, and enjoyed it then. The movie version is quite different, as it is more intimate and realistic in its singing and acting, and was opened up to include wide vistas of Paris, mountains, and a particularly spectacular scene where the men are pulling a floundering ship into dry-dock. The singing was quite good, especially Hugh Jackman as Valjean, and Samantha Bart as Eponine. One caveat: it was very long. By the end I felt pulverized. In the theater we get a break, but not with the film, and all that intense emotion and singing just got to me after a while. Still, for the fans, it will be a satisfying experience.

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